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S3 Cell Sorter

S3 Cell Sorter


The S3 cell sorter is an automated benchtop cell sorter featuring either one or two lasers and up to four fluorescence detectors plus forward- and side-scatter detectors. The S3 cell sorter uses state-of-the-art ProDrop™ technology for automated drop delay calculation and droplet break-off monitoring, thereby simplifying one of the most complex and error-prone aspects of cell sorting.
This affordable cell sorter provides exceptional sort purity without compromising performance and sensitivity. The system is ideal for sorting cells expressing fluorescent proteins such as eGFP, DsRed, mCherry, or for cells labeled with fluorescent markers such as labeled antibodies.
Features and Benefits
 •Simplified instrument setup — automated drop delay calculation and droplet break-off monitoring enables precise 1–4 color sorting with minimal training
 • Compact design — dimensions of only 70 × 65 × 65 cm (2.3 × 2.1 × 2.1 ft) including onboard fluidics and temperature control system
 • Reduced carryover — dual-position loading stage ensures the sample line remains clean between sorting runs
 • 2-way cell sorting — sort two different defined populations at the same time
 • High speed and high purity — sort cells fast while maintaining high sensitivity and purity
 • Intuitive interface — user-friendly ProSort™ software enables effortless instrument control and sort logic definition  


Acquisition rate, events/sec : Up to 100,000
Sorting rate, events/sec : Up to 30,000
Sorting purity : >99% pure
Nozzle size, µm : 100
Sorting direction : 2-way sorting
Sorting collection : Up to 5 x 5 ml sample tubes each direction
                           Up to 5 x 1.5 ml tubes each direction
                           Microscope slides
                           8-well strip each direction
Lasers : Primary: 488 nm 100 mW
            Optional: 561 nm 100 mW
Detection : Forward scatter (FSC) with PMT
                Side scatter (SSC) with PMT
                Up to 4 fluorescence detectors with PMT
                Minimum resolution: 0.5 µm
Sensitivity, MESF : <125 for FITC and PE
Temperature range, °C : Sample and collection temperature control system: 4–37
                                  Peltier solid state system
Fluidics : Onboard fluidics and dilution of 8x sheath fluid with deionized water
Data format  : FCS 3.1
Dimensions (W x D x H), ft/cm : 2.3 x 2.1 x 2.1 / 70 x 65 x 65